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Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550540


Introducción: Estudios previos han reportado que pacientes infectados con el virus del COVID-19, podrían manifestar sintomatologías a nivel de la cavidad oral. Objetivo: Evaluar la frecuencia de manifestaciones orales asociadas a COVID-19 en un segmento de la población paraguaya y determinar cuáles son las más prevalentes. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Fue realizada una encuesta electrónica de enero a marzo del 2022. Los datos fueron presentados como frecuencias y porcentajes y analizados mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrado. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el software R versión 4.0.3. Resultados: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 478 personas. El 79,50 % correspondió al sexo femenino y el 45,19 % tenía entre 25 y 34 años. El 65,48 % informó haber experimentado al menos 1 síntoma o signo oral durante el curso de COVID-19. La pérdida de la sensación de sabores amargos, seguida de la alteración del sabor de los alimentos y la pérdida de la percepción dulce, fueron los síntomas más comunes. Se encontró una proporción significativamente mayor de manifestaciones orales en el rango de 18-24 años (χ²; p= 0,003). Entre las personas que desarrollaron COVID-19 de forma moderada a severa hubo mayor número de manifestaciones de síntomas orales (χ²; p= 0,044). Discusión: Se identificó una alta frecuencia de manifestaciones orales en pacientes con casos de moderados a severos de COVID-19, destacándose los trastornos del gusto como los más predominantes. Los individuos más jóvenes fueron los más afectados.

Introduction: Previous studies have reported that patients infected with the COVID-19 virus could manifest symptoms in the oral cavity. Objective: To evaluate the frequency of oral manifestations associated with COVID-19 in a segment of the Paraguayan population and determine the most prevalent ones. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study. An electronic survey was conducted from January to March 2022. The data were presented as frequencies and percentages and analyzed using the chi-square test. Statistical analysis was performed with R software version 4.0.3. Results: The sample consisted of 478 individuals. 79.50% were female, and 45.19% were between 25 and 34 years old. 65.48% reported having experienced at least 1 oral symptom or sign during the course of COVID-19. The loss of the sensation of bitter tastes, followed by the alteration of the taste of foods and the loss of sweetness perception, were the most common symptoms. A significantly higher proportion of oral manifestations was found in the 18-24 age range (χ²; p= 0.003). Among people who developed COVID-19 in a moderate to severe form, a greater number of oral symptom manifestations were observed (χ²; p= 0.044). Discussion: A high frequency of oral manifestations was identified in patients with moderate to severe cases of COVID-19, with taste disorders standing out as the most predominant. Younger individuals were the most affected.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550621


Conocer las manifestaciones del comportamiento del luchador en la etapa inicial de ejecución del entrenamiento deportivo permite caracterizar, proyectar y controlar el proceso, con una dirección científica. Por ello la presente investigación plantea como objetivo proponer indicadores para el diagnóstico pedagógico personalizado del luchador, en la etapa de perfeccionamiento básico y lograr la efectividad en la formación integral de su personalidad. Ante la situación presentada se realizaron observaciones al comportamiento de los luchadores en el ambiente familiar, escolar, social y deportivo; además de encuestas y entrevistas que permitieron caracterizar el proceso investigado y pronosticar los posibles resultados, para luego desarrollar una eficiente intervención formativa. Las conclusiones derivadas del estudio y análisis de los resultados evidenciaron que los indicadores de diagnóstico pedagógico personalizado del luchador, en la etapa de perfeccionamiento básico contribuyeron con efectividad, en la formación integral de su personalidad.

Conhecer as manifestações do comportamento do lutador na etapa inicial do treinamento esportivo permite caracterizar, projetar e controlar o processo, com uma direção científica. Por essa razão, o objetivo desta pesquisa é propor indicadores para o diagnóstico pedagógico personalizado do lutador, na etapa de aperfeiçoamento básico, e alcançar a eficácia na formação integral de sua personalidade. Diante da situação apresentada, foram feitas observações do comportamento dos lutadores no ambiente familiar, escolar, social e esportivo; além de pesquisas e entrevistas que permitiram caracterizar o processo investigado e prever os possíveis resultados, para então desenvolver uma intervenção formativa eficiente. As conclusões derivadas do estudo e da análise dos resultados mostraram que os indicadores do diagnóstico pedagógico personalizado do lutador, na etapa de aperfeiçoamento básico, contribuíram efetivamente para a formação integral de sua personalidade.

Knowing the manifestations of the wrestler's behavior in the initial stage of sports training execution allows to characterize, project and control the process, with a scientific direction. Therefore, the objective of this research is to propose indicators for the personalized pedagogical diagnosis of the wrestlers, in the basic improvement stage and to achieve effectiveness in the comprehensive formation of his personality. Given the situation presented, observations were made of the behavior of the wrestlers in the family, school, social and sports environment; in addition to surveys and interviews that allowed to characterize the investigated process and predict possible results, to then develop an efficient training intervention. The conclusions derived from the study and analysis of the results showed that the personalized pedagogical diagnosis indicators of the wrestler, in the basic improvement stage, contributed effectively to the comprehensive formation of his personality.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550629


El fútbol es un deporte de oposición, cooperación, donde se interrelacionan las estructuras y las funciones específicas que lo rigen, de carácter eminentemente táctico y de ahí la necesidad que tienen los jugadores de relacionarse para organizarse colectivamente con eficacia en las situaciones ofensivas, defensivas, y las transiciones de ambas acciones, las cuales van a surgir el resto de capacidades técnicas, físicas, de teóricas y psicológicas según las necesidades de la idea de juego. Esta investigación, enmarcada en el proceso de preparación táctica de la selección provincial de fútbol de mayores de Pinar del Río, tuvo objetivo determinar el estado en que se encuentra la preparación táctica de los jugadores según el modelo de juego planificado para enfrentar el torneo nacional y definir la metodología de entrenamiento sustentada en los sistemas modernos de preparación fundamentado en el componente táctico como dimensión rectora en el proceso. Con la utilización de métodos teóricos, empíricos, y de nivel estadístico, se guía todo el proceso de la investigación a través de observaciones a entrenamientos, entrevistas y mediciones del comportamiento táctico en partidos oficiales, con lo cual se pudo corroborar en los resultados alcanzados una serie de insuficiencias y limitaciones tácticas en las dimensiones e indicadores valorados que denota que problemas en la preparación para la competencia.

O futebol é um esporte de oposição, cooperação, onde as estruturas e funções específicas que o regem estão inter-relacionadas, de natureza eminentemente tática e daí a necessidade de os jogadores se relacionarem entre si para se organizarem coletivamente de forma eficaz em situações ofensivas e defensivas, e as transições de ambas as ações, que darão origem ao resto das capacidades técnicas, físicas, teóricas e psicológicas de acordo com as necessidades da ideia de jogo. Esta pesquisa, enquadrada no processo de preparação tática da equipe de futebol sênior provincial de Pinar del Río, teve como objetivo determinar o estado da preparação tática dos jogadores de acordo com o modelo de jogo planejado para enfrentar o torneio nacional e definir a metodologia de treinamento com base nos modernos sistemas de preparação baseados no componente tático como uma dimensão orientadora no processo. Com a utilização de métodos teóricos, empíricos e estatísticos, todo o processo da pesquisa foi orientado por meio de observações em sessões de treinamento, entrevistas e medições do comportamento tático em jogos oficiais, com os quais foi possível corroborar nos resultados alcançados uma série de insuficiências e limitações táticas nas dimensões e indicadores avaliados que denotam problemas na preparação para a competição.

Soccer is a sport of opposition and cooperation, where the specific structures and functions that govern it are interrelated, of an eminently tactical nature and hence the need for players to relate to organize themselves collectively effectively in offensive, defensive, and the transitions of both actions, from which the rest of the technical, physical, theoretical and psychological capacities will emerge according to the needs of the game idea. This research, framed in the tactical preparation process of the provincial senior soccer team of Pinar del Río, had the objective of determining the state of the tactical preparation of the players according to the game model planned to face the national tournament and define the training methodology supported by modern preparation systems based on the tactical component as a guiding dimension in the process. With the use of theoretical, empirical, and statistical methods, the entire research process is guided through observations of training, interviews, and measurements of tactical behavior in official matches, with which it was possible to corroborate in the results achieved a series of insufficiencies and tactical limitations in the valued dimensions and indicators that denote problems in preparation for the competition.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 28(1)mar. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550548


Introducción: La capacitación es, sin duda, uno de los temas actuales más importantes cuando se habla de competitividad, innovación y mejora continua de una empresa. Este proceso implica: detección de necesidades, planeación, implementación, evaluación, retroalimentación y seguimiento de resultados. El eje fundamental de este proceso es el Diagnóstico de Necesidades de Capacitación, pues señala de manera precisa los aspectos sobre los cuales ha de trabajar el capacitador. Objetivo: Realizar un diagnóstico de las necesidades de capacitación de los asistentes de farmacia del Municipio Santa Clara. Métodos: Para elaborar el Diagnóstico de Necesidades de Capacitación se utilizó el método comparativo. Este método se basa en la identificación de las discrepancias entre lo que es y lo debe ser, lo que posibilita constatar los requisitos que son necesarios cubrir. Se utilizaron como técnicas la entrevista y la encuesta. Resultados: Finalmente, después del análisis de todos los datos obtenidos de las matrices y preguntas abiertas, se elaboró el Diagnóstico de Necesidades de Capacitación final que se entregó a la Empresa Farmacias y Ópticas. Conclusiones: Estos resultados mostraron que esta empresa necesita de manera inmediata implementar actividades de capacitación a sus asistentes de farmacia en lo referente a conocimientos.

Introduction: training is, undoubtedly one of the most important current issues when talking about competitiveness, innovation and continuous improvement of a company. This process involves: detection of needs, planning, implementation, evaluation, feedback and monitoring of results. The fundamental axis of this process is the Diagnosis of Training Needs, since it indicates precisely the aspects on which the trainer must work. Objective: to carry out a diagnosis of the training needs in pharmacy assistants from Santa Clara municipality. Methods: the comparative method was use to prepare the Training Needs Diagnosis. This method is based on the identification of discrepancies between what is and what should be; it made possible to verify the necessary requirements to be met. Interviews and surveys were used as techniques. Results: Finally, after analyzing all the data obtained from the matrices and the open questions, a final Diagnosis of Training Needs was prepared and delivered to the Pharmacy and Optics Company. Conclusions: these results showed that this company needs to immediately implement training activities for their pharmacy assistants in terms of knowledge.

Diagnosis , Pharmacy Technicians , Inservice Training
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 231-244, 20240220. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532579


Introducción. Los datos epidemiológicos de la diverticulitis en Colombia son limitados. El objetivo de este artículo fue caracterizar una población que ingresó con diverticulitis aguda al Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación, un centro de referencia de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia, para analizar la presentación y comportamiento de la enfermedad en la población local, con estadísticas propias y desenlaces de la enfermedad en los últimos años. Métodos. Estudio observacional retrospectivo, descriptivo, entre enero de 2015 y diciembre de 2019. Se hizo un estudio exploratorio uni-, bi- y multivariado de factores de riesgo para fallo en el tratamiento y la mortalidad. Resultados. Se incluyeron 103 pacientes. Se presentó principalmente en mujeres y la edad promedio fue de 65 años. La diverticulitis Hinchey Ia fue la más frecuente (41,7 %) y el manejo médico fue exitoso en todos los casos, mientras que en las tipo III y IV, todos se manejaron de forma quirúrgica, con tasas de éxito entre el 50 y el 64 %. La presencia de signos de irritación peritoneal al examen físico, el recuento de leucocitos y la PCR, el ingreso a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos y la mortalidad aumentaron de forma directamente proporcional con el estadio de Hinchey. Conclusiones. Existe una relación directamente proporcional entre la clasificación de Hinchey y los signos de respuesta inflamatoria clínicos y paraclínicos, la necesidad de manejo quirúrgico, la estancia en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos y la mortalidad.

Introduction. Epidemiological data on diverticulitis in Colombia are limited. The objective of this article was to characterize a population that was admitted with acute diverticulitis to the San Vicente Fundación University Hospital, a reference center in the city of Medellín, Colombia, to analyze the presentation and behavior of the disease in the local population, with its own statistics, and outcomes of the disease in recent years. Methods. Retrospective descriptive observational study between January 2015 and December 2019. An exploratory uni-, bi- and multivariate study of risk factors for treatment failure and mortality was performed. Results. A total of 103 patients were included. The most frequent Hinchey classification was Ia (41.7%). It occurs mainly in women, mean age 65 years. Hinchey Ia diverticulitis is the most frequent and medical management is successful in 100% of cases; while in III and IV, 100% were managed surgically with success rates between 50 and 64%. The presence of peritoneal signs on physical examination, leukocyte count and CRP, ICU admission and mortality increased directly proportional with Hinchey stage. Conclusions. There is a directly proportional relationship between Hinchey staging with clinical and paraclinical signs of inflammatory response, need for surgical management, ICU stay and mortality.

Humans , Diverticulitis , Diverticulum, Colon , Diverticular Diseases , Diverticulosis, Colonic , Diagnosis , Conservative Treatment
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 339-347, 20240220. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532734


Introducción. El cáncer de riñón es la undécima neoplasia maligna más común en los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. El carcinoma de células claras de riñón (CCR) es considerado la estirpe más frecuente y representa el 2-3 % de todos los cánceres a nivel mundial. En el contexto de la enfermedad metastásica, por lo general se identifica un tumor renal primario y las metástasis se localizan en pulmón, hueso, hígado, cerebro y, raramente, en tejidos blandos. Los pacientes con metástasis a tejidos blandos no tienen síntomas en las etapas iniciales y generalmente se identifican sólo cuando las lesiones aumentan de tamaño o durante el estudio de la pieza de resección quirúrgica. Caso clínico. Se presenta el caso de una paciente en la séptima década de la vida, con una metástasis en tejidos blandos de la región sacra, de 10 años de evolución posterior a una nefrectomía secundario a CCR. Resultados. Hallazgos clínicos e imagenológicos de un tumor bien delimitado. Se realizó resección quirúrgica de la lesión, bajo anestesia regional, con extirpación completa. Conclusión. Se recomienda que los pacientes con un sitio metastásico resecable y solitario sean llevados a resección quirúrgica con márgenes libres, como fue el caso de nuestra paciente, por su fácil acceso y ser una lesión única. En el CCR, además de su tratamiento quirúrgico inicial, es indispensable una estrecha vigilancia con examen físico e imágenes transversales, para detectar la presencia de metástasis y con ello evitar tratamientos tardíos.

Introduction. Kidney cancer is the eleventh most common malignancy in the United States of Mexico. Carcinoma renal cell (CRC) is considered the most frequent type and represents 2-3% of all cancers worldwide. In the setting of metastatic disease, a primary renal tumor is usually identified, and metastases are located in the lung, bone, liver, brain, and rarely in soft tissue. Patients with soft tissue metastases do not have symptoms in the initial stages and are generally found only when the lesions increase in size or during the study of the surgical resection piece. Clinical case. In this case, we report a female patient in the seventh decade of life with a soft tissue metastasis located in the sacral region, 10 years after a nephrectomy secondary to CRC. Results. Clinical and radiological findings of a well-defined tumor. Surgical resection of the lesion is performed under regional anesthesia with complete excision. Conclusions. It is recommended that patients with a resectable and solitary metastatic site be candidates for surgical resection with free margins, as was the case with our patient due to its easy access and single lesion. In CRC, in addition to its initial surgical treatment, close surveillance with physical examination and cross-sectional images is essential to monitor the presence of metastases and thus avoid late treatments.

Humans , Carcinoma, Renal Cell , Kidney Neoplasms , Neoplasm Seeding , Soft Tissue Neoplasms , Diagnosis, Differential , Neoplasm Metastasis
Alerta (San Salvador) ; 7(1): 23-28, ene. 26, 2024. ilus, tab.
Article in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1526685


Presentación del caso. Paciente masculino de origen guatemalteco con historia de fiebre alta de tipo intermitente, mialgias, artralgias, debilidad generalizada, mareo y vómito de contenido gástrico. Fue tratado inicialmente en un hospital privado con diagnóstico de síndrome febril agudo y referido a un hospital de la red nacional con diagnóstico de dengue con signos de alarma, al tercer día de estancia hospitalaria se diagnostica como un caso de malaria importado por Plasmodium vivax. Intervención terapéutica. Se le dio tratamiento antimalárico con cloroquina y primaquina. Evolución clínica. Presentó mejoría clínica y las pruebas de laboratorio de control reportaron resultados negativos para Plasmodium vivax

Case presentation. Male patient of Guatemalan origin with history of intermittent high fever, myalgia, arthralgia, generalized weakness, dizziness, and vomiting of gastric contents. He was initially treated in a private hospital with a diagnosis of acute febrile illness and referred to a national network hospital with a diagnosis of dengue with warning signs. On the third day of hospital stay a diagnosis of an imported malaria case by Plasmodium vivax was presented. Treatment. The patient was given antimalarial treatment consisting of chloroquine and primaquine. Outcome. The patient presented clinical improvement, and control laboratory tests were negative for Plasmodium vivax.

Humans , Male , Vector Borne Diseases , El Salvador
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 122-131, 20240102. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526859


Introducción. La resección segmentaria del intestino y su derivación temporal o definitiva es un procedimiento frecuente en la práctica quirúrgica, que implica la construcción de un estoma. La enfermedad que lleva a la cirugía, las condiciones clínicas del paciente y los aspectos técnicos en la construcción de la ostomía son puntos claves en la evolución posoperatoria. Métodos. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura identificando las complicaciones asociadas a la construcción de estomas, con el objetivo de ofrecer herramientas de tratamiento y toma de decisiones al personal médico involucrado en la atención de estos pacientes. Resultados. La cirugía de urgencia, la inmunosupresión, la obesidad y la técnica en la apertura del orificio en la pared abdominal, favorecen la aparición de complicaciones tempranas que requieren manejo médico o reintervención quirúrgica. Conclusiones. Todo paciente con estoma debe ser valorado minuciosamente por el cirujano y la terapista enterostomal en las primeras 72 horas luego de la cirugía.

Introduction. Segmental resection of the intestine and its temporary or permanent bypass is a frequent procedure in surgical practice, which involves the construction of a stoma. The disease that leads to surgery, the clinical conditions of the patient and the technical aspects in the construction of the ostomy are key points in the postoperative evolution. Methods. A review of the literature was performed, identifying the complications associated with the construction of stomas, with the aim of offering treatment and decision-making tools to the medical personnel involved in the care of these patients. Results. Emergency surgery, immunosuppression, obesity, and the technique used to open the orifice in the abdominal wall favor the appearance of early complications that require medical management or surgical reintervention. Conclusions. Every patient with a stoma must be carefully evaluated by the surgeon and the enterostomal therapist in the first 72 hours after surgery.

Humans , Postoperative Complications , Colostomy , Ileostomy , Clinical Diagnosis
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(1): e20220469, jan. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550031


Resumo Fundamento: Seguimento de coorte retrospectiva de 30 anos que se aproxima da história natural dos tumores cardíacos diagnosticados no feto uma vez que nenhum caso foi submetido à interrupção da gestação. Objetivo: Avaliar a morbidade e mortalidade perinatal e em longo prazo em fetos com diagnóstico de tumor cardíaco. Como objetivo secundário avaliar os fatores que influenciaram os resultados perinatais e pós-natais. Método: Estudo de coorte retrospectiva envolvendo 74 gestantes com diagnóstico ecocardiográfico fetal de tumor cardíaco acompanhadas em dois serviços de referência no período de maio de 1991 a novembro de 2021. Foi realizada análise descritiva dos dados por meio de frequências absolutas (n) e relativas (%), mediana e intervalos interquartis. Para avaliar a associação entre as características ecocardiográficas e as manifestações clínicas com os resultados perinatais e pós-natais, foi aplicado o teste exato de Fisher. O cálculo da sobrevida global foi realizado pelo método de Kaplan-Meier e a comparação de curvas pelo teste de log-rank. O tempo de seguimento, calculado em meses, foi definido a partir da data de alta do hospital à data do status atual (vivo/censura ou óbito). O nível de significância considerado foi de 5% (p<0,05). Resultados: o rabdomioma é o tipo mais frequente (85%) de tumor cardíaco; apresenta alta morbidade (79,3%) e mortalidade geral de 17,4%; a presença de hidropisia fetal preditiva de óbito. Conclusão: A presença de hidropisia fetal teve impacto na mortalidade, sendo fator importante para aconselhamento e estabelecimento de prognóstico. A maioria dos óbitos ocorrem antes da alta hospitalar.

Abstract Background: This was a 30-year retrospective cohort study that approximates closely to the natural history of cardiac tumors diagnosed in the fetus, since there was no case of pregnancy interruption Objective: To assess morbidity and mortality in the perinatal period and at long term in fetuses diagnosed with cardiac tumor. Our secondary objective was to assess the evaluating factors of perinatal and postnatal results. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study with 74 pregnant women with an echocardiographic diagnosis of fetal cardiac tumor at two referral centers between May 1991 and November 2021. A descriptive analysis was performed, and data were expressed as absolute (n) and relative (%) frequencies, median and interquartile range. Fisher's exact test was used to evaluate the association of echocardiographic characteristics and clinical manifestations with perinatal and postnatal results. Global survival was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method and the curves were compared by the log-rank test. The time of follow-up, calculated in months, corresponded to the time elapsed from hospital discharge to current status (survived/ censoring or death). The level of significance was set at 5% (p<0.05). Results: Rhabdomyoma is the most common type of cardiac tumor (85%), with a high morbidity (79.3%) and overall mortality of 17.4%. The presence of fetal hydrops was a predictor of death. Conclusion: The presence of fetal hydrops had an impact on mortality, and hence is an important factor in counselling and determining the prognosis. Most deaths occurred before hospital discharge.

Arq. gastroenterol ; 61: e23114, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533809


ABSTRACT Background: Microscopic colitis (MC) is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease causing non-bloody diarrhea, and several cases are undiagnosed as a hidden cause of chronic diarrhea. Objective: We aimed to report the symptoms, delay diagnosis and the treatment of MC in a case series. Methods: All patients were treated at a Gastroenterology reference office from May 2022 to June 2023. Personal history including preexisting disorders, use of medications and smoking habits were collected. The delay between the onset of symptoms and the correct diagnosis was informed. All patients consented to use budesonide MMX (Corament®) off label. Results: During the study period, six Caucasoid patients were diagnosed with MC, five females and one male, between the ages of 65 and 74. All patients had comorbities and were taking multiple prescription drugs. Laboratory findings showed negative serology for celiac disease for all patients, normal levels of albumin and vitamin B12. The delay between the symptoms and the MC diagnosis varied from 2 months to 6 years. All patients had a previous diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome. All patients were in complete clinical remission during the treatment and referred no side effects of the drug. Conclusion: Older females using high-risk medications are suggestive of MC. Preventing delay in the diagnosis of MC is crucial to improvement in patients´ quality of life. Budesonide MMX appears to be effective, safe and well-tolerated.

RESUMO Contexto: A colite microscópica (CM) é uma doença inflamatória intestinal crônica que causa diarreia não sanguinolenta, e vários casos não são diagnosticados como uma causa oculta de diarreia crônica. Objetivo: Esse estudo visou relatar os sintomas, qual o atraso diagnóstico e o tratamento da CM em uma série de casos. Métodos: Todos os pacientes foram atendidos em um consultório de referência em Gastroenterologia no período de maio de 2022 a junho de 2023. Foram coletados antecedentes pessoais, incluindo distúrbios preexistentes, uso de medicamentos e tabagismo. Foi buscado o período entre o início dos sintomas e o diagnóstico correto. Todos os pacientes consentiram em usar budesonida MMX (Corament®) off label. Resultados: Durante o período do estudo, seis pacientes caucasóides foram diagnosticados com CM, cinco mulheres e um homem, com idades entre 65 e 74 anos. Todos os pacientes apresentavam comorbidades e faziam uso de vários medicamentos prescritos. Os achados laboratoriais mostraram sorologia negativa para doença celíaca em todos os pacientes, níveis normais de albumina e vitamina B12. O atraso entre os sintomas e o diagnóstico de CM variou de 2 meses a 6 anos. Todos os pacientes tinham diagnóstico prévio de síndrome do intestino irritável. Todos os pacientes apresentaram remissão clínica completa durante o tratamento e não referiram efeitos colaterais da droga. Conclusão: As mulheres mais velhas que usam medicamentos de alto risco são sugestivas de CM. Evitar o atraso no diagnóstico de CM é fundamental para melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. A budesonida MMX foi eficaz, segura e bem tolerada.

Arq. gastroenterol ; 61: e23136, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533824


ABSTRACT Background: Helicobacter pylori infection is widely spread globally and is known to cause potentially serious diseases. Several diagnostic methods exist to identify and treat carriers of this bacterium. Serological tests for the diagnosis of infection are based on the detection of antibodies immunoglobulin G against H. pylori, a non-invasive, inexpensive, and easy-to-perform option. Objective: This research aims to ascertain the accuracy of an immunochromatographic serological test to verify the feasibility of using this method in patients who have not undergone previous eradication therapy. Methods: Rapid tests and questionnaires were applied to 53 patients that underwent upper digestive endoscopy with research for H. pylori between the period of September and October 2021. The results were compared with histopathology. Results: In the rapid tests, seven positive and 46 negative results were obtained. When compared with the gold stan­dard, the following values were described: sensitivity 54.5%, specificity 97.6%, positive predictive value 85.7%, and negative predictive value 89.1%. Conclusion: In the present study, the immunochromatographic serological tests had an accuracy close to the values found in other similar studies. Therefore, it may be concluded that the rapid serological test remains a reasonable choice for screening large populations due to its low cost and ease of application, especially in those individuals who have not undergone previous treatment.

RESUMO Contexto: A infecção pelo Helicobacter pylori apresenta-se amplamente difundida globalmente e é comprovadamente causadora de patologias potencialmente graves. Diversos métodos diagnósticos existem com o propósito de identificar e tratar os portadores dessa bactéria. Testes sorológicos para diagnóstico da infecção se baseiam na detecção de anticorpos imunoglobulina G anti-H.pylori, sendo uma opção não-invasiva, barata e de fácil realização. Objetivo: O objetivo dessa pesquisa é determinar a acurácia de um teste sorológico imunocromatográfico para verificar a viabilidade do uso desse método em pacientes que não realizaram terapia de erradicação prévia. Métodos: Foram aplicados testes rápidos e questionários em 53 participantes que realizaram endoscopia digestiva alta com pesquisa de H. pylori entre o período de setembro e outubro de 2021. Os resultados foram comparados com a histopatologia. Resultados: Foram obtidos nos testes rápidos 7 resultados positivos e 46 negativos. Ao comparar com o padrão-ouro, os seguintes valores foram descritos: Sensibilidade 54,5%, especificidade 97,6%, valor preditivo positivo 85,7% e valor preditivo negativo 89,1%. No presente estudo, os testes sorológicos imunocromatográficos tiveram acurácia próxima aos valores encontrados em outros trabalhos semelhantes. Conclusão: Sendo assim, conclui-se que o teste rápido sorológico permanece como escolha razoável para screening de grandes populações devido ao seu baixo custo e facilidade de aplicação, especialmente naqueles indivíduos que não realizaram tratamento prévio.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 82(1): s00431777110, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533836


Abstract Background In 2012, the Neurocritical Care Society launched a compilation of protocols regarding the core issues that should be addressed within the first hours of neurological emergencies - the Emergency neurological life support (ENLS). Objective We aim to evaluate this repercussion through a bibliometric analysis. Methods We searched Scopus on October 2022 for articles mentioning ENLS. The following variables were obtained: number of citations; number of citations per year; number of publications per year; year of publication; research type; research subtype; country of corresponding author and its income category and world region; journal of publication and its 5-year impact factor (IF); and section where ENLS appeared. Results After applying eligibility criteria, we retrieved 421 articles, published from 2012 to 2022. The mean number of citations per article was 17.46 (95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 8.20-26.72), while the mean number of citations per year per article was 4.05 (95% CI = 2.50-5.61). The mean destiny journal 5-year IF was 5.141 (95% CI = 4.189-6.093). The majority of articles were secondary research (57.48%; n= 242/421) of which most were narrative reviews (71.90%; n= 174/242). High-Income countries were the most prominent (80.05%; n= 337/421 articles). There were no papers from low-income countries. There were no trials or systematic reviews from middle-income countries. Conclusion Although still low, the number of publications mentioning ENLS is increasing. Articles were mainly published in journals of intensive care medicine, neurology, neurosurgery, and emergency medicine. Most articles were published by authors from high-income countries. The majority of papers were secondary research, with narrative review as the most frequent subtype.

Resumo Antecedentes Em 2012, a Neurocritical Care Society lançou uma compilação de protocolos sobre as questões centrais que devem ser abordadas nas primeiras horas de emergências neurológicas - Emergency neurological life support (ENLS). Objetivo Avaliar a repercussão do ENLS por meio de uma análise bibliométrica. Métodos A base de dados Scopus foi utilizada em outubro de 2022 para a busca por artigos mencionando o ENLS. As seguintes variáveis foram obtidas: número de citações; número de citações por ano; número de publicações por ano; ano de publicação; tipo de pesquisa; país do autor correspondente e sua categoria de renda; revista de publicação e seu fator de impacto de 5 anos (IF); e seção onde o ENLS apareceu. Resultados Os 421 artigos incluídos foram publicados de 2012 a 2022. A média de citações por artigo foi de 17.46 (intervalo de confiança (IC) 95% = 8.20-26.72), enquanto a de citações por ano por artigo foi de 4.05 (IC95% = 2.50-5.61). O IF médio por revista foi de 5.14 (IC95% = 4.19-6.09). A maioria dos artigos era de pesquisa secundária (57.48%; n= 242/421), dos quais a maioria eram revisões narrativas (71.90%; n= 174/242). Os países de alta renda foram os mais prolíficos (80.05%; n= 337/421 artigos). Não houve publicações de países de baixa ou média renda. Conclusão Embora ainda baixo, o número de publicações mencionando o ENLS vem aumentando recentemente. A maioria dos artigos foram publicados em revistas de medicina intensiva, neurologia, neurocirurgia e medicina de emergência. Artigos de pesquisa secundária foram os mais comuns, com revisões narrativas sendo o subtipo mais frequente.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 90(1): 101338, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534085


Abstract Objective To measure the average time for the diagnosis and for the therapeutic prescription of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) at a hospital in Botucatu Medical School - State University São Paulo, UNESP. Method A retrospective observational study was carried out by collecting data from the electronic medical records of patients over 18-years of age, who had a diagnostic polysomnography testing scheduled between January and December 2017. Result Of the 347 patients eligible for the study, 94 (27.1%) missed follow-up and 103 (29.7%) had a referral for CPAP use. Until February 2021, only 37 (35.9%) of these patients had already acquired and were using the device, the remaining 66 (64.1%) were waiting or gave up the therapy. The mean value of the waiting time interval between the referral of the diagnostic test and its performance was equivalent to 197 days (6.5 months). The mean time between diagnostic polysomnography and CPAP prescription was 440-days (14.5-months), with a total mean time of 624 days (21-months). Conclusion As in other services, the diagnostic-therapeutic flow proved to be highly inefficient, with a long waiting period, difficult access to treatment and a high dropout rate. These findings highlight the need to establish new patient-centered strategies with measures that speed up the flow and facilitate access to CPAP, in order to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with this condition. Level of evidence Level 3 - Non-randomized controlled cohort/follow-up study Recommendation B.

Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 22: eRC0528, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534327


ABSTRACT Schwannomas commonly develop in the cervical region, 25% - 45% of cases are diagnosed in this anatomical region. Tracheal neurogenic tumors are exceedingly rare and can be misdiagnosed as invasive thyroid carcinomas or other infiltrating malignancies when present at the level of the thyroid gland. Here, we present a case of synchronous benign cervical schwannoma with tracheal invasion and papillary thyroid carcinoma in a patient who was initially hospitalized for COVID-19. The patient presented with dyspnea that was later found to be caused by tracheal extension of a cervical tumor. Surgical excision was performed, and the surgical team proceeded with segmental tracheal resection, removal of the cervical mass, and total thyroidectomy. The specimen was sent for pathological analysis, which revealed synchronous findings of a benign cervical schwannoma with tracheal invasion and papillary thyroid carcinoma. The literature on this subject, together with the present case report, suggests that neurogenic tumors should be included in the differential diagnosis of obstructing tracheal cervical masses. Surgical excision is the first-line of treatment for benign cervical schwannomas.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535303


ABSTRACT This study presents a case of atypical manifestation of secondary syphilis. Diagnosis was initiated prompted by the patient's complaint of a lower lip lesion, present for three months, resembling a malignant neoplasm. The lesion, a 3 cm (diameter) ulcerated nodule, arising from conjunctive tissue, raised concern. However, further physical examination revealed additional clinical features, including cervical micropolyadenopathy and erythematous skin lesions, prompting a reevaluation of the diagnosis, most likely secondary syphilis. These findings led to a serological investigation, which, ultimately, confirmed the diagnosis of syphilis. The case underscores the importance of recognizing syphilis as a formidable imitator, posing challenges in establishing differential diagnoses of mucocutaneous diseases.

Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 68: e220501, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520076


ABSTRACT Objective: To explore the diagnostic value of the TUIAS (SW_TH01/II) computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) software system for the ultrasound Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (TI-RADS) features in thyroid nodules. Materials and methods: This retrospective study enrolled patients with thyroid nodules in Shanghai East Hospital between January 2017 and October 2021. The novel CAD software (SW_TH01/II) and three sonographers performed a qualitative analysis of the ultrasound TI-RADS features in aspect ratio, margin irregularity, margin smoothness, calcification, and echogenicity of the thyroid nodules. Results: A total of 225 patients were enrolled. The accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of the CAD software in "aspect ratio" were 95.6%, 96.2%, and 95.4%, in "margin irregularity" were 90.7%, 90.5%, and 90.9%, in "margin smoothness" were 85.8%, 88.5%, and 83.0%, in "calcification" were 83.6%, 81.7%, and 82.0%, in "homogeneity" were 88.9%, 90.6%, and 82.2%, in "major echo" were 85.3%, 88.0%, and 85.4%, and in "contains very hypoechoic echo" were 92.0%, 90.0%, and 92.4%. The analysis time of the CAD software was significantly shorter than for the sonographers (2.7 ± 1.6 vs. 29.7 ± 12.7 s, P < 0.001). Conclusion: The CAD system achieved high accuracy in describing thyroid nodule features. It might assist in clinical thyroid nodule analysis.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(3): e2022, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520216


ABSTRACT A 51-year-old non-obese woman presented with a one-week history of progressive blurry vision within the inferior visual field of her left eye. Her only relevant past medical history was long-standing hypothyroidism and recent vaccination against Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) with an mRNA vaccine 12 days before the onset of symptoms. At examination, the anterior segment was unremarkable, but the retinal fundus revealed a central retinal vein occlusion associated with a branch retinal artery occlusion of the superior temporal branch in her left eye. Ancillary tests to rule out thrombophilia, hyperviscosity, hypercoagulability, or inflammation were negative. Ultrasound tests were also negative for a cardiac or carotid origin of the branch retinal artery occlusion. At two-month follow-up, no new retinal vascular occlusive events were observed. Although the best-corrected visual acuity at presentation was 8/10 in the left eye, the final best-corrected visual acuity remained 3/10.

RESUMO Uma mulher de 51 anos, não obesa, apresentou história de uma semana de visão embaçada progressiva no campo visual inferior do olho esquerdo. Seu único histórico médico anterior relevante era hipotireoidismo de longa data e uma recente vacinação contra a Doença de Coronavírus 2019 (COVID-19), com vacina de mRNA, 12 dias antes do início dos sintomas. O exame mostrou segmento anterior normal, mas o fundo da retina revelou uma oclusão da veia central da retina associada a uma oclusão de ramo arterial da retina do ramo temporal superior no olho esquerdo. Testes auxiliares para descartar trombofilia, hiperviscosidade, hipercoagulabilidade ou inflamação apresentaram resultados negativos. Testes de ultrassom também foram negativos quanto a uma origem cardíaca ou da carótida da oclusão do ramo da artéria da retina. Após dois meses de acompanhamento, nenhum novo evento vascular oclusivo retiniano foi observado. Embora, a acuidade visual melhor corrigida na apresentação tenha sido de 8/10 no olho esquerdo, a acuidade visual final melhor corrigida permaneceu em 3/10.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(3): e2021, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520227


ABSTRACT Purpose: To analyze teleconsultation at a public ophthalmic teaching hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. Methods: Medical records of patients who requested ophthalmological teleconsultation between June 2020 and March 2021 were reviewed. The main outcomes included demographic data, eye disease symptoms, hypothesized diagnosis, and management. Moreover, the results of a satisfaction survey administered after the consultation were analyzed. Results: Medical records of a total of 161 patients were reviewed. The mean age was 45.98 ± 17.57 (8-90) years, and most were women (113, 70.20%). Only 57 (35.60%) of the patients had made previous follow-up visits to the hospital. The most frequent reason for consultation was the need for a new eyeglass prescription (73, 45.34%), followed by dry eye symptoms (16, 9.93%) and pterygium (13, 8.07%). Other reasons were the monitoring of previously diagnosed eye diseases, such as glaucoma, retinopathies, strabismus, and keratoconus. Regarding the satisfaction survey, 151 (93.78%) patients answered the online questionnaire. Most reported that they were satisfied with the teleconsultation (94.03%) and would participate in a future teleconsultation (90.06%). Conclusion: Teleconsultation could be widely used to assist patients in public ophthalmology healthcare and teaching hospitals. Even though new eyeglass prescriptions are a frequent reason for ophthalmological appointments, patients tend to be satisfied with teleconsultation, as it also provides guidance.

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar a teleconsulta em um hospital público de ensino oftalmológico, durante o período da pandemia do COVID-19. Métodos: Foram revisados os registros médicos dos pacientes que solicitaram teleconsulta oftalmológica, no período de Junho de 2020 a Março de 2021. Os resultados incluem dados demográficos, sintomas de queixas oculares e hipóteses diagnósticas. Além disso, foram analisados dados da pesquisa de satisfação aplicada após cada teleconsulta. Resultados: Um total de 161 prontuários foram revisados. A idade média dos pacientes foi de 45.98 ± 17.57 (8 a 90) anos, a maioria mulheres, 113 (70,20%). Apenas 57 (35,60%) eram pacientes acompanhados no hospital previamente. A principal razão pela busca pela teleconsulta foi o erro refracional, 73 (45.43%), seguido de olho seco, 16 (9.93%), pterígio, 13 (8.07%). Outros motivos foram o acompanhamento de doenças prévias como glaucoma, retinopatias, miopia, estrabismo e ceratocone. Quanto a pesquisa de satisfação, 151(93,87%) pacientes responderam a pesquisa on-line. A maioria deles mostrou-se satisfeito com a teleconsulta (94.03%) e fariam uma nova teleconsulta (90.06%). Conclusão: A teleconsulta pode auxiliar a saúde pública em oftalmologia podendo ser utilizada em hospitais universitários. Embora o erro refracional tenha sido o motivo mais frequente nas consultas, os pacientes mostraram-se satisfeitos com essa modalidade de atendimento que serve como um serviço de orientação.